Today Timmy started "normal" preschool. He is being integrated into a normal classroom. Or should I say a non-special-ed class. When we walked in he went right over to a group of girls playing with some kind of interlocking plastic pieces that can be made into different designs. The kids were taking turns putting pieces on top to make a tower. When he took a turn, he reached for his piece and the corner of it hit the tower and it completely fell over. The look on his face was complete horror. Then all of a sudden the kids burst out laughing and then he joined right in with them. I was shocked. If this had happen at home he would have had a complete melt down. I was very proud of him. I will keep you posted on how he does with "normal kids".
He is still going every afternoon to Fraser day treatment program. He gets Speech Therapy twice a week at Fraser also. I still drive him to a different place for Occupational Therapy.
Just goes to show that he probably needs to spend more time in the mainstream. Great pictures. Keep up the posts - I am watching.
Thats awesome and I'm sure you are very proud of him
sweet! Luke always acts better around kids older than him!
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