Timmy had a tonsillectomy and
adenoidectomy on Dec. 9
th. He had horrible sleep apnea.
Every time he would catch a cold his tonsils would get huge. Two weeks before the surgery the sleep apnea was so bad that he was put on oral steroids to try to shrink the tonsils and
adenoids a little to make him breath better till he had surgery. The surgery went well. The doctor said he had never seen such bad tonsils in a child. He said they looked like an adults tonsils full of scar tissue like someone who had had many infections. I am
thankful that they are finally out.
Here are some pictures of the hospital stay.

Picking out a flavor lip
smackers for the mask to put him out.

Getting put out. This was the worst part for me.

In and out of sleep from the anesthesia.

This was the best part for him. After a few days he was sick of

Happy on pain medication.
sick of popsicles???? never!
Hey you, I am officially following your blog... I look forward to hearing all of your updates!
Much Love,
Becca and Madi
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