Happy 5th Birthday Timmy!

I planned a small party for Timmy this year. Only three friends came. It was very small but it was a good size for him. I also made a gluten, dairy and egg free cake for him due to his many allergies. He would not even try one bite. Oh well. He just stayed with the dairy free ice cream.

Every time someone would ask him what he wanted for his birthday he would say "Geo Trax". This is a train set that he got for Christmas last year. It has extras that can be bought like more track attachments. This is his absolute favorite(or obsession). He looks at the diagram on the instruction manual of the different ways the track can be assembled and he can spend hours assembling and disassembling.
Happy Birthday Timmy!
GeoTrax is the COOLEST!!!
Happy birthday!
¿¿¿Dairy free ice cream???
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